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        It all started back in the mid 80’s when the first starlight scopes and night vision goggles were deployed and it was discovered that alcohol and ammonia based cleaning products would damage those coated lenses. At that time someone developed a simple, light pink cleaner that came in a small breaker top pillow that avoided those ingredients.


        Many years later an Army Ranger returned to the states from active duty to start his "normal life" .... Well he found himself in many "interesting" situations. As many Rangers sometimes do. Now one of the encounters was a man who owned and patented the non-damaging scope cleaner he had used while on active duty overseas. He began to work with the man and soon bought the patent from him and started selling the product, then called NuView.


        Over time the product went through a series of initial improvements and was renamed NuView2. We then continued to listen to our customers and took all of their comments, suggestions and input and went back to the drawing board to improve an already great and widely used product.


        The result is NUVIEW CLEAR™. Today’s product is not only a safe lens cleaner, anti-fog, anti-static and mild scratch filler but we’ve removed all dyes and fragrances. We’ve upgraded to the highest quality ingredients available to produce NUVIEW CLEAR™. We’ve also kicked up our environmental commitment with the use of PET plastics for our packaging and also making our product Eco-friendly and hypo-allergenic.


        Explore the rest of our site to learn more about what we have to offer and don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions on how we can improve our product. NUVIEW CLEAR™ is here for you.

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